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The Tree Climbers Guide 4th Edition

The Tree Climbers Guide 4th Edition


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The 4th edition has been updated to include three new chapters: Moving Rope Systems (MRS), Stationary Rope Systems (SRS), and Climbing Equipment, as well as 270 illustrations to help clarify and complement the text.

Written specifically from the tree climber’s perspective to learn safe climbing and aerial tree work principles, this publication may be used as a basic text for tree climbers as well as a study guide for the ISA Certified Tree Worker/Climber Specialist exam. Each chapter includes a list of key terms and concludes with a workbook section. The chapter topics, enhanced with more than 200 color illustrations, include: Tree Health and Sciences, Safety, Ropes and Knots, Climbing, Pruning, Rigging, Removal, and Cabling. The guide also contains appendices with answers to the workbook questions, a glossary, and resources listed for further reference.

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